Ejercicios de Oraciones con Verbos Pronominales en inglés

Ejercicios de Oraciones con Verbos Pronominales en inglés

Ejercicios de Oraciones con Verbos Pronominales en inglés

Actividad 1

Ejercicios para practicar la formación de oraciones con verbos pronominales en inglés:

  1. Ella always gets up early.
  2. Ellos often take care of themselves.
  3. Yo sometimes put on makeup by myself.
  4. always get along with others.
  5. Ellos usually wash their hands before meal.
  6. Nosotros sometimes get lost in the city.
  7. often get dressed by yourself.
  8. Yo always ask myself questions.
  9. Él never introduce himself.
  10. Ella often finds herself alone at home.

Actividad 2

Practica la formación de oraciones con verbos pronominales en inglés:

  1. sometimes enjoy yourself at parties.
  2. Nosotros always take care of ourselves.
  3. Ellos often laugh at themselves.
  4. Ella always finds herself in difficult situations.
  5. Yo usually get ready by myself.
  6. often look at yourself in the mirror.
  7. Ellos always help each other.
  8. Nosotros sometimes get up late.
  9. Yo usually talk to myself.
  10. Ella often dresses herself in comfortable clothes.

Actividad 3

Practica la formación de oraciones con verbos pronominales en inglés:

  1. often find yourself wandering around the city.
  2. Nosotros sometimes get lost in our thoughts.
  3. Ellos always remind themselves to be grateful.
  4. Ella often look at herself in the mirror.
  5. Yo sometimes sleep alone.
  6. always put yourself first.
  7. Ellos usually meet each other after work.
  8. Nosotros sometimes find ourselves overthinking things.
  9. Yo always enjoy myself at parties.
  10. Ella often ask herself questions.


Actividad 1:

1. She always gets up early.

2. They often take care of themselves.

3. I sometimes put on makeup by myself.

4. You always get along with others.

5. They usually wash their hands before a meal.

6. We sometimes get lost in the city.

7. You often get dressed by yourself.

8. I always ask myself questions.

9. He never introduces himself.

10. She often finds herself alone at home.

Actividad 2:

1. You sometimes enjoy yourself at parties.

2. We always take care of ourselves.

3. They often laugh at themselves.

4. She always finds herself in difficult situations.

5. I usually get ready by myself.

6. You often look at yourself in the mirror.

7. They always help each other.

8. We sometimes get up late.

9. I usually talk to myself.

10. She often dresses herself in comfortable clothes.

Actividad 3:

1. You often find yourself wandering around the city.

2. We sometimes get lost in our thoughts.

3. They always remind themselves to be grateful.

4. She often looks at herself in the mirror.

5. I sometimes sleep alone.

6. You always put yourself first.

7. They usually meet each other after work.

8. We sometimes find ourselves overthinking things.

9. I always enjoy myself at parties.

10. She often asks herself questions.

📝 Tips para entender las oraciones con verbos pronominales

1. Familiarízate con los verbos pronominales en inglés: Los verbos pronominales son aquellos que se acompañan de pronombres reflexivos, como «myself», «yourself», «himself», «herself», «itself», «ourselves», «yourselves» y «themselves». Aprende cuáles son estos verbos y cómo se forman las oraciones con ellos.

2. Identifica el sujeto del verbo pronominal: El sujeto de un verbo pronominal es la persona o cosa que realiza la acción y se refleja en el pronombre reflexivo. Asegúrate de identificar correctamente el sujeto antes de formar la oración.

3. Coloca el pronombre reflexivo correctamente en la oración: El pronombre reflexivo se coloca después del verbo pronominal y concuerda en número y persona con el sujeto de la oración. Por ejemplo, «I hurt myself» (Me lastimé), «You need to take care of yourself» (Debes cuidar de ti mismo), «He enjoys himself at parties» (Él se divierte en las fiestas).

Recuerda practicar estos trucos con diferentes verbos pronominales para familiarizarte con su uso y mejorar tu habilidad para formar oraciones con ellos en inglés.

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