Ejercicios de pronombres posesivos, adjetivos posesivos y pronombres en inglés

Actividad 1: Completa las oraciones con pronombres posesivos.

1. Is this your car? No, it’s ___________.

2. These books are not mine, they are ___________.

3. Mary and John lost ___________ keys.

4. Where are my shoes? I can’t find ___________.

5. The cat is sleeping on ___________ bed.

6. Our parents bought ___________ a new phone.

7. I love ___________ dog, he’s so cute!

8. That house is theirs, not ___________.

9. Can I borrow ___________ pen, please?

10. This is not his room, it’s ___________.

Actividad 2: Completa las oraciones con adjetivos posesivos.

1. Tim’s car is blue, ___________ is red.

2. My sister is tall, ___________ is short.

3. Our new house is big, ___________ is small.

4. Jack’s dog is friendly, ___________ is aggressive.

5. Emily’s book is interesting, ___________ is boring.

6. Their garden is beautiful, ___________ is messy.

7. His cat is lazy, ___________ is energetic.

8. Linda’s dress is expensive, ___________ is cheap.

9. Our parents are strict, ___________ are lenient.

10. My friend’s house is nearby, ___________ is far.

Actividad 3: Completa las oraciones con pronombres.

1. ___________ went to the park yesterday.

2. I saw ___________ at the grocery store.

3. ___________ left ___________ umbrella at home.

4. Sarah and ___________ are going to the concert.

5. Can ___________ lend ___________ your phone?

6. ___________ have to finish ___________ homework.

7. ___________ is going to the party tonight?

8. ___________ is my favorite movie.

9. ___________ is not feeling well today.

10. Please give ___________ the book.


Actividad 1:

1. mine

2. yours

3. their

4. them

5. its

6. us

7. our

8. mine

9. your

10. his

Actividad 2:

1. his

2. hers

3. theirs

4. his

5. mine

6. theirs

7. his

8. hers

9. ours

10. hers

Actividad 3:

1. They

2. you

3. I, my

4. I

5. I, you

6. We, our

7. Who

8. It

9. He/She

10. me

📝 Entiende los posesivos

1. Añadir ‘s al final de un sustantivo singular: Este es el truco más común para formar los posesivos en inglés. Simplemente agrega ‘s al final de un sustantivo singular para indicar posesión. Por ejemplo: «John’s car» (el coche de John).

2. Usar solo ‘ al final de sustantivos plurales que terminan en s: Para formar el posesivo de un sustantivo plural que termina en s, solo necesitas agregar un apóstrofe al final. Por ejemplo: «The cats’ toys» (los juguetes de los gatos).

3. Agregar ‘s al final de sustantivos plurales que no terminan en s: En el caso de los sustantivos plurales que no terminan en s, debes agregar ‘s al final para formar el posesivo. Por ejemplo: «The children’s books» (los libros de los niños).

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