Ejercicios de reporteed speech resueltos en inglés


Actividad 1

Los Ejercicios de Reporteed Speech son una forma divertida de practicar la gramática en inglés. Esta actividad consiste en repetir la frase del hablante original, cambiando la estructura de la frase para indicar que el hablante original dijo eso. Algunas palabras tienen que cambiar para mostrar que el hablante original dijo eso. Por ejemplo, la primera persona del singular (yo) se convierte en la tercera persona del singular (él/ella).

Vamos a realizar algunos ejercicios para practicar con esta actividad.

  • I am going to the store. – He said he was going to the store.
  • I will not go. – He said he would not go.
  • She will be here soon. – He said she would be here soon.
  • They are here now. – He said they were here now.
  • We are happy. – He said they were happy.
  • I am tired. – He said he was tired.
  • I have a new job. – He said he had a new job.
  • She will come tomorrow. – He said she would come tomorrow.
  • They have arrived. – He said they had arrived.
  • We are leaving now. – He said they were leaving now.

Actividad 2

En esta actividad, vamos a practicar con los Ejercicios de Reporteed Speech. La idea es repetir la frase del hablante original, cambiando la estructura de la frase para indicar que el hablante original dijo eso. Algunas palabras tienen que cambiar para mostrar que el hablante original dijo eso. Por ejemplo, la primera persona del singular (yo) se convierte en la tercera persona del singular (él/ella).

Vamos a realizar algunos ejercicios para practicar con esta actividad.

  • I am going to the beach. – He said he was going to the beach.
  • I will not stay. – He said he would not stay.
  • She will be there soon. – He said she would be there soon.
  • They are running now. – He said they were running now.
  • We are excited. – He said they were excited.
  • I am hungry. – He said he was hungry.
  • I have a new car. – He said he had a new car.
  • She will arrive tomorrow. – He said she would arrive tomorrow.
  • They have gone. – He said they had gone.
  • We are leaving soon. – He said they were leaving soon.

Actividad 3

Ahora vamos a realizar algunos ejercicios para practicar los Ejercicios de Reporteed Speech. Esta actividad consiste en repetir la frase del hablante original, cambiando la estructura de la frase para indicar que el hablante original dijo eso. Algunas palabras tienen que cambiar para mostrar que el hablante original dijo eso. Por ejemplo, la primera persona del singular (yo) se convierte en la tercera persona del singular (él/ella).

Vamos a realizar algunos ejercicios para practicar con esta actividad.

  • I am going to the park. – He said he was going to the park.
  • I will not play. – He said he would not play.
  • She will be there later. – He said she would be there later.
  • They are singing now. – He said they were singing now.
  • We are sad. – He said they were sad.
  • I am thirsty. – He said he was thirsty.
  • I have a new bike. – He said he had a new bike.
  • She will come next week. – He said she would come next week.
  • They have gone home. – He said they had gone home.
  • We are leaving soon. – He said they were leaving soon.

Espero que hayáis disfrutado de estas actividades. Si os ha gustado, podéis visitar nuestra web para encontrar más ejercicios de inglés.