Este artículo presenta tres actividades diferentes para practicar las correcciones en Present Simple y Pasado Simple en inglés. Estas actividades están diseñadas para ayudar a los estudiantes en el proceso de aprender y mejorar su uso correcto de estos tiempos verbales.
Actividad 1:
1. She eats breakfast every morning.
2. My friend goes to the gym on Mondays.
3. The train arrives at 8 o’clock.
4. I usually watch TV in the evening.
5. He speaks three languages fluently.
6. We play basketball every Saturday.
7. They visit their grandparents on weekends.
8. The sun rises in the east.
9. It rains a lot in the summer.
10. You always forget your keys.
Actividad 2:
1. She ate breakfast this morning.
2. My friend went to the gym yesterday.
3. The train arrived late yesterday.
4. I watched a movie last night.
5. He spoke to her a few minutes ago.
6. We played soccer last weekend.
7. They visited their relatives last month.
8. The sun set in the west yesterday.
9. It rained heavily yesterday.
10. You forgot to call me yesterday.
Actividad 3:
1. She doesn’t eat breakfast every morning.
2. My friend doesn’t go to the gym on Mondays.
3. The train doesn’t arrive on time.
4. I don’t usually watch TV in the morning.
5. He doesn’t speak French fluently.
6. We don’t play tennis on Sundays.
7. They don’t visit their friends often.
8. The sun doesn’t rise in the west.
9. It doesn’t rain much in this region.
10. You don’t always remember important dates.
Actividad 1:
1. She doesn’t eat breakfast every morning.
2. My friend doesn’t go to the gym on Mondays.
3. The train doesn’t arrive at 8 o’clock.
4. I don’t usually watch TV in the evening.
5. He doesn’t speak three languages fluently.
6. We don’t play basketball every Saturday.
7. They don’t visit their grandparents on weekends.
8. The sun doesn’t rise in the west.
9. It doesn’t rain a lot in the summer.
10. You don’t always forget your keys.
Actividad 2:
1. She didn’t eat breakfast this morning.
2. My friend didn’t go to the gym yesterday.
3. The train didn’t arrive on time yesterday.
4. I didn’t watch a movie last night.
5. He didn’t speak to her a few minutes ago.
6. We didn’t play soccer last weekend.
7. They didn’t visit their relatives last month.
8. The sun didn’t set in the west yesterday.
9. It didn’t rain heavily yesterday.
10. You didn’t forget to call me yesterday.
Actividad 3:
1. She eats breakfast every morning.
2. My friend goes to the gym on Mondays.
3. The train arrives at 8 o’clock.
4. I usually watch TV in the morning.
5. He speaks French fluently.
6. We play tennis on Sundays.
7. They visit their friends often.
8. The sun rises in the east.
9. It rains much in this region.
10. You always remember important dates.
📝 Trucos para las correcciones en presente simple y pasado simple
1. Para corregir el presente simple, recuerda que se añade «-s» o «-es» a la tercera persona del singular (he, she, it). Por ejemplo, en lugar de decir «he go to the store», corrige a «he goes to the store».
2. También asegúrate de que los verbos regulares en tercera persona del singular se terminen en «-s» o «-es». Por ejemplo, en lugar de decir «she walk to school», corrige a «she walks to school».
3. Para corregir el pasado simple en verbos regulares, utiliza la forma correcta del verbo en pasado. Por ejemplo, en lugar de decir «I goed to the party», corrige a «I went to the party».
4. Recuerda que los verbos irregulares en pasado simple tienen formas diferentes. Es importante aprender de memoria los verbos irregulares más comunes y su forma en pasado. Por ejemplo, en lugar de decir «he goed to the park», corrige a «he went to the park».
5. Ten en cuenta que en las preguntas y negaciones se utiliza el verbo auxiliar «do» en presente simple y «did» en pasado simple. Por ejemplo, en lugar de decir «you go to the beach?», corrige a «do you go to the beach?»
Otras actividades: